Past. Present. Future?

Finding interesting things to do in my area is not always easy. Yesterday I decided to drag Chey with me to what I thought was just an antique shop. We arrived at the old Gibson Mill and realized that we underestimated what we were getting into. After getting lost in the parking lot and entering in the office section of the mill, we found the magic. Hundreds and hundreds of separate square booths FULL of random antique, vintage and new items. It was overwhelming to say the least and the fact that I only walked out with a map and post card shows how overwhelmed I actually was. Chey and I left as they were closing without seeing all of their selection. We spent over three hours in The Depot at Gibson Mill, I could spend a whole day there and still want to go back again. I took one hundred and twenty one pictures because for some reason I wanted to capture every single moment and thing I saw. Don't worry, I'm not including all the pictures but I do want to share some of the awesome things I saw.

Globes. Globes. More Globes. They were all placed in a picture perfect location.

Can we talk about this Carly Simon reference?

It just has my name all over it.

Okay, there was a whole section with British things. This pillow was not the softest thing but come on, so awesome!

A bookcase covered in old time newspaper ads.

An old cooler filled with old bottles, just because.

I spent about fifteen minutes just looking at this phone, all teal and floral. Imagine the conversations someone had.

There were hundreds of these colorful flags all over the mill.

Seeing that I'm terrified of birds, not sure why I was so interested in this Hedwig look alike.

Why yes this is a REAL LIFE Thriller album in the original plastic and everything.

On the back it said "How to make a photograph." with directions on how to point and shoot. I love Polaroids.

Carole King is the original queen of music. I wasn't lucky enough to find a copy oF Tapestry but I did find this copy of  Wrap Around Joy for $5.

This was hidden in a on a self with about a hundred random albums. This was the last crossover album featuring Diana Ross with The Supremes and The Temptations.


 I admired the perfect shape this typewriter is in. Yes, I typed on it like I was a journalist in the 20's.

Who doesn't need a suitcase full of masks?

This was hanging on an empty wall by itself. I want to hear the story behind the badges and buttons.

The Beatles. Need I say more?

On of the twenty something boxes of records we must have gone through. Featuring Elvis Presley live in Memphis.

"A magazine for the Ambitious" from 1925.

"Bitch Plz"

A section from the original Gibson Mill. Just think about the history in the location.

Need a hand?

Just picture what the living room these originally sat in must have looked like.

Two walls full of vintage boots. I repeat TWO WHOLE WALLS.

Flannel on flannel on flannel. Flannel.

Sir, I think you have lost your mind.

One of the hallways full of magic. Can you spot Chey?

All the uniforms.

"This is not a pipe". If you have read "The Fault In Our Stars" you will understand why I stood in front of this for about ten minutes to process.

Thousands of postcards separated by country and state. 

Of course I went straight to the UK section, I was not disappointed in the selection. Most of them were written on and dated.

I was lucky enough to find (and purchase) a post card from Brighton, UK dated 8/20/50. Wow. 

A casual bath.

This is why people are afraid of clowns.

I want to buy all of these tea cups plus the display and put them in my bedroom!

Hey can I borrow $6,500?

A whole wall of portraits. Is it weird that I wonder if my great grandchildren will display vintage Instagram photos of me in the future?

This whole trip was such an adventure. I think that it was the mix of old and new that really drew me in. One booth would be completely full of old furniture and original framed Broadway posters and the next booth would have some modern art featured. It made me think about what possessions of mine will be sold in fifty years to an excited twenty something year old. It was overwhelming and exciting.
If you are still reading this and want to take a trip to the old Gibson Mill with me in the future, let me know. I am ready to find more treasures. 


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