
Do you have that one person on social media that you can just stalk for hours? They might not post constant content but when they do you are all over it...post notifications and all that jazz? For me, its 100% Connor Franta. I can't get enough of his photos and social media style, if that's what you want to call it. I've loved Con for years and it always blows my mind how we have basically grown up together in a similar fashion. I could write a book on the inspiration and passion I've seen and loved from him. He is one of my favorite creators. Getting to the point though, last night I dove into a social media pit and basically got a ton of amazing inspiration from Connor's instagram. I got a new camera lens and my first prism (!!!!!!!!!!) and decided to take them on a test drive! I only had a few minutes to knock these photos out but I'm really happy with the different shots I got today!! Thanks to the lovely Con for the inspo.


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