
"People love what other people are passionate about" -La La Land

Passion has become a huge focus in my life recently. I think it has a lot to do with making a decision to step down and out of my major responsibilities at my job when I made the decision to go back to school. When I think about my passions the past 3ish years those passions were driven by work, not me. Simple as that. I have had time to refocus on myself. Through this I have watched people around me, people online, and strangers in Starbucks working on their passions, talking about their passions, and sharing their passions with others. This has inspired me and watching other people pursue their passion has fulfilled me, until this point. 

Two nights ago I was taking a study break and scrolling through my recommended videos on YouTube. I saw a "making of..." video that caught my eye, so I clicked on it. I then spent 20 minutes completing consumed in watching Jon Bellion create "Guillotine". I was blown away by his talent and his excitement and his giddiness and his passion. This, along with all the other behind the scenes videos of Jon's I immediately watched, has sparked something in me that I cant shake. 

I am mostly posting this on my blog as a reminder to myself, when I get in a funk or don't feel inspired but I really think this could apply to anyone. After sitting on my feelings I wrote these bullet points in my phone, and I wanted to share them. 

I don't worry about how many likes my dreams get.

I've gotten to a point in my life that I need to find and follow my passion. 

What do I see in my future?

I can clearly see me following my passion.

I don't expect everyone one or even half the people I know to be over the moon about what makes me tick. 

If I am to follow my heart I need to get used to the feeling of some people not understanding the full capacity of what I love.

& that is okay. 

I don't understand their passions like they do. 


Check out Jon Bellion. Seriously, he is an out of this world talent, and he surrounds himself with all these amazing musicians. This is a link to the video that originally inspired this post, check out his album "The Human Condition". Its a masterpiece.


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